Fun facts about Christmas Shopping

Maciej Woźniczko
Maciej Woźniczko | 26 October 2020 | 5 min read
John Masters packaging Packhelp
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In this article:

The holiday season is not around the corner, it’s already here!

And if you’re a business owner, you’re probably already prepared for the high season.

If you’re not, go get ready! You’re cutting it close, but there’s still time.

We’ve prepared a free guide full of tips and tricks to help you prepare

Get your free Holiday guide here.

But something that is not talked about too much is the shopping behaviour of customers during the holidays.
Of course, we know that shopping rises, but do you know how?

In this article, we’ll go into some fun facts about shopping behaviour during the Christmas season.

You’ll get to know how your customers behave and perhaps get a few ideas on how to serve them even better

How Brands Prepare for the Holidays

When it comes to preparing for the holidays, it may be insightful to look at how other brands prepare for the season.

Did you know that 56% of online stores order custom packaging?

eco color mailer box mondays child

Over have of commerce businesses are identifying the power custom packaging can have on their brand.

And during the holiday season, a branded unboxing experience goes above and beyond.

This is the time when emotions matter the most. Custom packaging can help induce those warm and happy feelings to people when they receive a gift.

If you haven’t started using custom packaging, this is the time for you to do so.

Scent subscription

Around 75% of commerce businesses* purchase their custom packaging in September and October.

Doing this early can make a big difference. As the high season approaches, delays can happen and you run the chance of not having your custom packaging on time for important holidays, like Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

And if you don’t have packaging ready to ship your products, well that’s a big problem.

But there’s still time. 25% of businesses* order packaging in November. This is the sign you’ve been waiting for to make that custom packaging order.

Explore the range of custom packaging for your brand.

It’s also important to note out that getting packaging is not the only thing to consider.

hands holding a rustic Christmas box

Don’t forget about quantities you think you’re going to be needing and order a little bit more.

Did you know that 76% of customers order higher volumes of custom packaging?

With more sales coming in, you have to be sure that you have enough stock of products AND packaging. You can’t risk running out of either one. Make sure your products and packaging are ready.

Also, think about the type of packaging you want to use. Choose one that fits both your brand and your products.

At Packhelp, most businesses opt for:

And of course, don’t forget about a fantastic design!

But we’re trying to make things even easier for you.

xmas patterns

Try creating a festive packaging design with a ready-to-print pattern. We have over 100 premade patterns available.

Simply pick the one you like most, add it to your Mailer Box and customise it to your liking.

Shopper Behaviour and Facts

Did you know that almost 30% of shoppers start their Christmas shopping in November! This means they hunt for those special Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals. This also due to indecisiveness.

Many shoppers don't have a clear idea of what they want to buy, so they use this time to start getting ideas.

But don’t get too excited, last-minute shoppers take the lead. It’s estimated that 62% buy their gifts the week before Christmas.

This is when those special Christmas deals come int play! Don’t forget about them.

Another fun thing to consider os that holiday shoppers also buy for themselves.

Actually, 51% of shoppers spend money on gifts for themselves. Think about things to help people treat themselves as well.

And of course, we cannot forget about sustainability.

biotika shipping box

In fact, 66% of holiday shoppers are willing to pay more for sustainable products.

Even during Christmas, we cannot forget about sustainability. As we see Christmas trees everywhere, we should also think about a green Christmas.

Now it’s over to you!

The Holiday season is here ad there is no more time to waste!

Order your own Christmas packaging here.





*Survey of Packhelp customers.

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